The Best 25 Longform Articles – 2023 Edition

It’s taken me 1000 days to read through this latest batch of 250 Longform articles. From that pool, 25 can be confidently tagged ‘Superb‘. All listed below with links and brief explanation on what each longform is about. This brings the total running tally of LFAs read, since this project kicked off in 2016, toContinue reading “The Best 25 Longform Articles – 2023 Edition”

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The Best 15 Longform Articles – 2021 Edition

In the last 1 year I have managed to read up 150 more longforms articles (LFA) and from those I have picked 15 that I rate with as ‘Superb‘. Reading these 15 was pure pleasure and a few of them also managed to open the mind to some brilliant concepts and out there ideas. SoContinue reading “The Best 15 Longform Articles – 2021 Edition”

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The ‘5-35-60’ change framework

“EVERYTHING IS CHANGING. NEW NEW THING WILL NOW REPLACE THE OLD NEW THING!” We who swim in this vast and polluted information ocean that is zero cost self publishing platforms (twitter, blogs, IG,FB) and old media gone digital (print, tv) sense it all the time. It perenially feels like the above line is the undertoneContinue reading “The ‘5-35-60’ change framework”

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Unimaginable to Imaginable Scenarios – nominations needed

Every innovation sounded bananas before it became reality. The entire world’s information available to a person with a small device? Bananas! America spending $7 trillion on wars in the Middle East and Asia since 2001? Bananas! A cryptocurrency, a form of electronic cash without a central bank or single administrator that can be sent fromContinue reading “Unimaginable to Imaginable Scenarios – nominations needed”

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That Most Critical of All Skills

Most folks who read this blog are in white collar jobs and since the begining of this last decade have been relentlessly bombarded by the trifecta bingo of AI, Automation and Analytics. I dare you to visit your LinkedIn feed and not see these words in 30 seconds of scrolling. Everyone of consequence in theContinue reading “That Most Critical of All Skills”

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That Mid-Life Career Crisis Charted Out

I speak from the vantage of an Asian upbringing but I am sure it is universal to most desk jockeys everywhere : That mid-life career crisis many of us undergo(ing) may just be the dawning realization that the Happyness-Job Title & Salary paradigm we have lived with is false. A chimera. A scam. Fake News.Continue reading “That Mid-Life Career Crisis Charted Out”

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A Metaphor To Help Better Understand The Ongoing Changes

There are two central things that make up most of our lives in 2020 : A. Physical things (baryonic matter) B. Digital things (information, represented in 0s,1s in this young century) Till about 1950, before the Anthropocene truly began, most of world trade, world GDP and our grandparents lives was all about A. Once Computers,Continue reading “A Metaphor To Help Better Understand The Ongoing Changes”

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Skillsets in a Black Swan World

As a white collar professional since 2001 I, like a lot of my colleagues and friends, dutifully skilled up for a linear predictable world. “Learn X skill, do Y job. X skill will be relevant for decades” went the thinking. Most of us ensure our kids skill up similarly. For a stable predictable world.  ButContinue reading “Skillsets in a Black Swan World”

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The Best 30 Longform Articles of 300 I Read

Since 2016 I started reading and scrupulously tracking all the longfrom articles I read. Longform is any essay or article over 3000 words. It allowed me to then do this : Nominate a few outstanding longforms that I think more people should read. Because they are just so good and well worth the time invested inContinue reading “The Best 30 Longform Articles of 300 I Read”

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